CSD Putting Your Money to Work!, December 20, 2017 by Peter J. Kampa, General Manager
Your Saddle Creek CSD Board of Directors has established some very clear goals for the public services we provide:
- Improved roads that are maintained in very good condition
- Beautiful, functional and efficiently maintained community entrance and common landscape areas
- A high level of public involvement and engagement in critical projects an initiatives
- Long term financial stability with reserves to fund equipment and infrastructure replacement
The day to day management of the CSD is delegated by the Board to a General Manager, who implements the strategies and actions necessary to accomplish the Board’s goals. As the CSD General Manager, I take this responsibility and my obligations to the Board and community very seriously.
To ensure that the efforts of the CSD are constantly in alignment with and accomplishing the Board’s vision for the services provided by the District, with input from the Board and public, management annually prepares a slate of “Management Objectives”. This detailed “to-do list” describes the expected accomplishments of management on an ongoing basis, and includes specific, measurable tasks scheduled for the next six to 18 months. The most recent management objectives were adopted in September 2017, and below is a link to an online report covering the successes and challenges of the first quarter.
Also, some exciting news for those of you who could not attend the CSD Board meeting of December 19, 2017:
- The Board selected Ken Albertson to serve as Board President and Darlene DeBaldo as Vice President for 2018. The Board also thanked outgoing Board President Larry Hoffman for his excellent leadership during 2017! Larry remains on the Board as a director.
- The community based Landscape Adhoc Committee, chaired by Lora Warner, recommended and the Board approved a contract with Landscape Architects Orr Design Office. Orr will be developing a landscape plan for the community entrance and common areas along Saddle Creek Drive to maintain the beauty and efficiency of the landscaping, while reducing water use and maintenance costs and avoiding the devastating impacts we saw from the recent drought turf watering restrictions.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments about the report, or the services being provided by your CSD! Be sure to sign up for notifications by entering your email above, and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same!
Sincerely, Peter J. Kampa, General Manager