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March 7, 2025- The lower Construction Gate has been damaged badly by a Contractors trailer hitting the gate upon exit. The gate has to be replaced. It has been procured, In the meantime the gate will remain open until the new one arrives and is installed.  


December 23,2023- Notice of Completion filed.

 October 24, 2024 - CRACK SEALING FOR ROADS BEGINS TODAY.  Expect traffic control, lane closures and delays for the next two weeks. Saddle Creek Drive, Knolls Drive and Oak Creek Drive will have the most impact.

August 1, 2024 -"Construction coming soon! Starting August 1 there will be construction along some of our streets. Saddle Creek Drive and Rock Ridge Lane will have portions of the sidewalk replaced, as well as some of the accessible ramps replaced. There will also be some roadways having their cracks sealed. Work is to be strictly held to a schedule of Mon-Fri7am-6:30pm and Saturday 8:30am-5:30pm. Construction is expected to begin near the entrance on Saddle Creek Drive and work inward into the Community. Please be patient with us and drive safely as we work on improving and maintaining our roadways."

 August 31, 2024 - "Pardon our mess!"

As many of you know, construction has begun for the replacement of some of our sidewalk sections. Construction crews are currently working through Saddle Creek Drive, removing, and replacing various concrete sections. Please be patient with us and drive carefully, following all traffic control signs when approaching the work area for everybody’s safety. Progress is being made, with finalization of Saddle Creek Drive and Rock Ridge Lane on the horizon. There will also be some roadways having their cracks sealed. Just a reminder, work is to be strictly held to a schedule of Mon-Fri 7am-6:30pm and Saturday 8:30am-5:30pm. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any concerns. Thank you!”

 September 14, 2024 - The Contractor has finished up Saddle Creek Drive, the pedestrian ramps at the round a bout should be finished or may have been finished on Friday, then they will be done in this area. The Contractor is moving to Rock Ridge beginning this next week beginning 9/15/24. We are awaiting submittals from the Contractor for the crack sealing materials and application method. The Contractor will be working with the field Supervisor Ralph McGeorge to put in root barrier material the way the District would like to see it placed.



PUBLIC NOTICE COPPER VALLEY CSD – MOSQUITO ABATEMENT During the next several months, Copper Valley CSD will be increasing Mosquito abatement activities due to warmer temperatures and increasing mosquito populations. Work will include inspections of known and suspect mosquito breeding sites, such as irrigated lands, ditches, waterways, ponds, wild life habitat area, and wetlands. Mosquitoes will be controlled using integrated pest management techniques (IPM), including: applications of approved use pesticides to breeding sites and areas of high adult mosquito populations, mosquito eating fish in ponds and public education efforts. Additionally, the CSD will be increasing surveillance in attempt to detect mosquito-transmitted diseases, such as West Nile Virus, Western Equine Encephalitis, Zika and other vector borne diseases. In most cases, spraying of approved pesticides will occur on Thursdays during the late afternoon or early evening hours. While the spraying activity does not present a health risk to residents, there will be noticeable odor. To minimize this problem, windows and doors should remain closed while the activity is occurring near your area and should remain closed for approximately 30 minutes after it is completed. Residents are asked to assist in our abatement efforts by eliminating mosquito-breeding sites on their property and by reporting abnormal mosquito population to the CSD Staff: Office: 209-785-0100 Email: Email:

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