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Urgent Community Notice: Speeding Concerns in Copper Valley

**Subject: Urgent Community Notice: Speeding Concerns in Copper Valley**


Dear Residents of Copper Valley,


We are reaching out to you today with a matter of great importance regarding the safety of our community. Recently, there have been increasing concerns about speeding in Copper Valley, particularly along Saddle Creek Drive. We have observed this issue firsthand and have listened to the voices of our community expressing their worries.


The safety of our neighborhood is a priority for the Board, and while we have explored various solutions, we face challenges. Increased law enforcement is not a reliable option, and implementing speed-calming measures or infrastructure changes can be costly. Therefore, we are turning to you—our residents—to help us address this problem directly.


The speed limit on Saddle Creek Drive is 25 mph. We ask that everyone respect this limit and drive at or below 25 mph within our neighborhood. Whether you’re in a rush, distracted, or unaware of the speed limit, we implore you to take a moment to consider the safety of your neighbors and loved ones. Please, slow down.


Your cooperation is essential to ensure the safety of everyone in Copper Valley. By adhering to the speed limit, you contribute to a safer environment for all of us.


If you have any questions or concerns about this notice, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your input and support are invaluable as we work together to keep Copper Valley a safe and welcoming place to live.


Thank you for your attention to this critical issue.




Peter Kampa  

General Manager 


Office 209-785-0100

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